
Grabb as a unique subscription system

Application management & System integration, Software Development

Company description

The company in question is part of one of Italy's largest publishing groups. The summit company had already approached to develop the same project. In fact, the genesis of the project is linked to the fact that the company in question is part of the group for which we had already implemented the required system.

The challenge

To standardize the management of subscriptions for the entire group, relying on a single supplier, by extending the Subscription Management system previously implemented for another publisher in the group.


The GRABB software was implemented, along with a refactoring of part of the system itself. Before implementing the project, a preliminary analysis was carried out: the GRABB analysis. The aim of the project was therefore to develop software that would allow the publisher to manage subscription fulfilment autonomously, implementing the functions previously provided by an external company with which a subscription management and distribution contract was in place, as well as realizing integration flows with the publisher's legacy systems and any third-party suppliers. The software was developed as an evolution of the version already implemented for the group's other publisher, customizing it on the basis of the specific functionalities and integrations required, and installed in a completely autonomous and separate infrastructure.


GRABB's subscription software manages not only the customer master data with the history of subscriptions taken out, but also a whole series of data necessary for the configuration of the system, such as the offers available (duration and price of subscriptions), the release schedules of the various titles, the timing of communications to subscribers, the allocation of any local editions based on the geographical area of the magazines, and so on. There was a need to manage the information assets, magazines and subscribers, through a single system, which is why the System has functions that bring all this information together to produce lists of recipients of the copies to be sent out. Subsequently, deadlines can be monitored, automatic renewals, suspension periods, requested by the customer or which go into automatic operation due to non-payment by the customer. This was the motive that led the publishing group to go into production, to implement GRABB as the only subscription system.