
What are Cookie

Cookies are small text files that sites you visit record locally in the temporary memory of your browser, and then on your computer, where they are stored in order to be retransmitted to the same sites on subsequent visits. Cookies are used for different purposes and can be used either by the owner of the site you are visiting or by third parties. In order to provide a better user experience on our website, we use technical cookies from usability analysis tools that track user actions in an anonymous way to help us understand how our websites are used and improve the functionality and design.

Types of Cookie

Cookie Cookies fall into two families:

  1. Those installed by the site owner or site manager, referred to as first-party cookies;
  2. Those installed by managers outside the site, referred to as third-party cookies.

The responsibility and management of first-party cookies is assumed in a direct way by the owner of this site, TK Soluzioni s.r.l. with registered office in Via Gaudenzio Ferrari 21, 21047 - Saronno (the "Owner"), and is framed in the Privacy Policy of the same; for all the information required by art. 13 Privacy Code..

The responsibility and management of third-party cookies, on the other hand, falls to their respective owners and operators who must offer appropriate rejection mechanisms in their privacy policies.

Cookies belonging to six different types may be present on this site::

1. Technical, session and analytical cookies
These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the site and allow to manage the access operations (so-called login) to the sites, record configuration preferences where available or integrate plug-ins necessary to display certain content.
Cookies used for statistical and performance analysis are also considered technical cookies, as long as they are configured to collect data in aggregate and anonymous form that provide an overview of the sites' performance and content.

2.Traffic and performance analysis cookies
These cookies allow us to know how visitors use a site, what content they access, and what geographic regions they come from in order to evaluate and improve site performance and prioritize the production of content that best meets users' information needs. These cookies are subject to consent by users and refusal can be expressed directly to the respective operators.

3. Widgets and other interconnection tools with external sites and features
These are cookies, often associated with a graphical element of the site such as an action button or a specific logo (e.g. the Facebook "like" button), used to integrate functionality from other sites within the one you are browsing. These cookies are the responsibility of the respective operators and you can object to their use directly on the information pages of the respective operator.

4. Usability tools
These are features written in application code that allow the site operator to analyze how users interact with the content and functionality in order to check for ease of use, design quality, and plan for improvement changes. These scripts are configured not to capture elements typed by the user that would undermine the user's privacy and are subject to explicit consent. Refusal of consent, when present on the pages of this site, is handled directly by the owner.

What cookies are installed on this Site?

The Owner tries to limit the use of cookies to what is strictly necessary to offer you the services of this and its other sites and products. In particular, we have the cookies outlined in the following paragraphs.


Technical cookies

  • SESSIONID : used for user session

All technical cookies do not require consent, so they are automatically installed following access to the site.

Google Analytics statistics cookies
This website uses Google Analytics for statistical purposes only.
These cookies collect information in aggregate form in order to monitor and analyze access to the pages of the site.
The information generated by the cookie about website usage is communicated to Google Inc.
PFor more details and to disable saving we invite you to visit
Google Analitycs cookies installed by this site are anonymized, consequently they do not perform user profiling and do not require consent, so they are installed automatically following access to the site.


Cookies operated by third parties subject to consent are also installed through this site. You will find below some indications, and a link to the privacy policy and consent form of each of them.

We also use other technologies on our site that allow us and third-party service providers to provide you with a more personalized and engaging internet experience, for example by offering more relevant advertisements to you on your social media channels, or by allowing you to share your experiences on our website via social media. We therefore use the following technologies:
- Facebook pixel. are small pieces of software, almost invisible "dots" the size of a pixel on our site, that create a link between your visit to our site and Facebook. When the pixel is loading, Facebook installs a so-called "fr" cookie on your computer, which helps Facebook to deliver more personalized advertising, but also to measure and improve advertising. This cookie has a lifespan of 90 days. More information about Facebook's cookies can be found here: Consider that when the "fr" cookie is installed, Facebook is able to track your browsing behavior through other websites that have applied a Facebook pixel or social plug-in.

Cookie di social network
They are used for sharing content on social networks.
You will find below the name of the third parties that manage them, and for each of them the link to the page where you can receive information about the processing and express your consent.

AddThis :
YouTube: (Google's standard terms)

Duration of processing

The cookies managed by the Owner have a maximum duration of 365 days, unless voluntarily renewed by you by reiterating your consent., The profiling cookies managed by the Owner are anonymous and, once expired, remain within the statistical systems and profiling platforms in aggregate form and not traceable to your browser for exclusive general statistical purposes.
Cookies operated by third parties, have the durations indicated in their respective Cookie Policies.

More information about exercising your rights

For any request for information or clarification or to exercise your rights you can use the following email address:

In addition, you always have the right to lodge a complaint with the  Data Protection Authority, which can be contacted at or through

Managing preferences through your browser

Remember that you can also manage your cookie preferences through your browser. If you do not know the type and version of browser you are using, click on "Help" in the browser window at the top, from which you can access all the information you need.

If, on the other hand, you do know your browser, click on the one you are using to access the cookie management page.